Giuliano Cameroni is back in top form, sending 4-Low (V15/8C) in Bavona, Ticino, just seven months after knee surgery. Originally found and cleaned by Cameroni and Jimmy Webb, this 13-move endurance test blends a brutal V13 (8B+) sequence straight into a sustained V11 (8A+), demanding precision and power from start to finish.
For Giuliano, this ascent was more than just another hard send—it was a breakthrough in confidence.
“Sending 4-Low was a huge breakthrough for my mind and confidence,” he shared.
While his knee isn’t fully recovered, returning to high-level climbing after such a long setback felt incredible.
This boulder has seen ascents from some of the world’s best, including Jimmy Webb, who put down the first ascent, and Daniel Woods, known for repeating many of Ticino’s hardest lines.
Giuliano’s return marks an exciting new chapter, and he’s already looking ahead to what’s next!